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Certified public accountant.
An international business lawyer, Frédéric specializes in assisting French and foreign companies with all their financial and corporate issues (Mergers & Acquisitions, corporate finance, project financing, etc.).
Founder and President of an investment fund specialized in the financing of small and medium-sized companies in France and Europe, Frédéric advises French and foreign companies in their financial strategy.
He is a regular speaker at HEC Entrepreneurs.
Jean-Marie is a specialist in financial audit and mediation.
He is a company director and former national vice-president of the French Institute of Chartered Accountants and vice-president of the French National Association of Statutory Auditors.
A certified public accountant and statutory auditor, Paul specializes in consulting, auditing and financial strategy for French and international companies.
He is an expert on the tax consolidation system inherent to groups and is a former associate lecturer at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole.